Privacy Policy

Detestable Games, located at Av. Ludwig Van Beethoven 5162, Colonia La Estancia, 45030 in the city of Zapopan, Jalisco, is responsible for the processing of personal data provided by our users.

This Privacy Policy sets out the terms under which Detestable Games uses and protects the information provided by its users when using its website. This brand is committed to the security of its users' data. When we ask you to fill in personal information fields with which you can be identified, we do so ensuring that it is only used in accordance with the terms of this document. However, this privacy policy may change over time or be updated, so we recommend and emphasize continuously reviewing this document to ensure that you agree with any such changes. The personal data that we collect from you will be used for the following purposes:

Means to Limit the Use or Disclosure of Personal Data

At Detestable Games, we are especially concerned about security and ensuring the confidentiality of the data provided by our users. Therefore, Detestable Games undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Federal Consumer Protection Law, as well as each and every one of the current provisions contained in the Personal Data Protection Law held by Individuals. At the moment you register your personal data, it will be used confidentially.

If you do not wish for your personal data to be processed for additional purposes, you can express this by email to: