Brand Protection Policy and Guidelines (MAPP)

MAPP Price List

  • Cosmic Cow Collectors $25.00 USD
  • Dodos Riding Dinos $49.99 USD (Updated in October 1st, 2024)
  • Dodos Riding Dinos: Dodo Dash $39.99 USD (Updated in October 1st, 2024)
  • Dodos Riding Dinos: First Race $29.99 USD
  • Kiwi Chow Down $49.99 USD (Updated in October 1st, 2024)
  • Neuroriders $25.00 USD
  • Party Panda Pirates (standard) $35.00 USD
  • Pátzcuaro $25.00 USD
  • Regroup! Chicken Army $12.00 USD
  • Sea Dragons $39.99 USD
  • War for Chicken Island $49.99 USD (Updated in October 1st, 2024)

Detestable Games LLC (“we”) has unilaterally adopted this Minimum Advertised Pricing (“MAP”) policy effective October 1st, 2024, applicable to its customers’ advertising of certain Detestable Games products in their English and/or Spanish version. By unilaterally imposing restrictions on the minimum prices advertised by our distribution and retail partners, we can better serve our network of retailers and distributors as well as enhance the perceived value of the products, which serves the best interests of our community.

1. NO RESTRICTION ON PRICING. This MAP Policy does not apply in any way restrict our customers’ selling price. Our Customers may sell any or all Detestable Games products, including the MAP products, at any price they choose.

2. MAP POLICY. Detestable Games resellers may not advertise or otherwise promote our products at a net Advertised Price lower than 15% below the MSRP set forth on our MAPP Price List shown above. For the purposes of this Policy, “net Advertised Price” means the stated Advertised Price reduced by the value of any associated discount, coupon, frequent buyer points, allowance, or incentive (whether in the form of a special event, promotion, term of doing business or otherwise) that translates into an immediate price reduction, where the cumulative effect would be to reduce the advertised price of any MAP product.
A reseller violates this MAP policy if it advertises or otherwise promotes our products below the MAPP Price or resells MAP products to sellers whose Advertised Prices do not comply with this MAP policy. We reserve the right to exercise all Remedies set forth in Section 6 (Remedies) below against the authorized distributor or reseller whose Advertised Prices do not comply with this MAP policy.

3. DEFINITION “ADVERTISED PRICE”. This MAP Policy is applicable to all “Advertised Prices” for the MAP Products. An “Advertised Price” is defined as the Price for a product shown on the Internet in response to a web browser search or on a customer home page, content on a webpage within the customer’s site or domain, or, if the customer is conducting e-commerce through a third-party site or domain, content on the third-party sites or domains. “Advertised Price” includes prices listed in broadcast e-mails or placement of ads on any other internet sites, including destination pages and third party sites, shopping sites and auction sites, including banner advertisements. The price shown in printed advertising materials including catalogs, ads, flyers, rotos, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, mail order, internet or similar electronic media including websites, forums, email newsletters, email solicitations, television, radio, and public signage. Website features such as an automatic price display for any items prior to being placed in a customer’s shopping bag, Click-for-Price, automated bounce-back pricing emails, pre-formatted email responses, and other similar features are communications initiated by the reseller (rather than by the customer) and constitute an Advertised Price under this MAP policy. An “Advertised Price” does not include the price a customer receives in response for a “Call for Price,” “E-mail a price,” or “See checkout for price” feature on a website, or the prices shown on in-store displays or on products in the store.

4. BUNDLING. Where Detestable Games products are bundled with or sold as part of a package that includes other products (whether or not manufactured by Detestable Games) it shall be a violation of this MAP policy to sell or advertise the bundle (or package) at a price that: (a) is lower than the total MAP price of the Detestable Games product(s) or (b) violates the letter or spirit of the MAP policy.

a. It shall not be a violation of this MAP policy to advertise in general that the reseller has “the lowest prices” or will match or beat its competitors’ prices, or to use similar phrases; so long as the reseller does not include any advertised price below MAP and otherwise complies with this MAP policy.

6. REMEDIES. We reserve the right to take such action as it deems necessary and reasonable to assure compliance with this policy. Any violation of this agreement may result in termination of your right to purchase our products, suspension of payment terms, acceleration of payment obligations, elimination of discounts, and/or exclusion of participation in all special programs until further notice.

7. CONSTRUCTION. No policy can cover every possible scenario or situation that might arise. Accordingly, it shall be applied by Detestable Games in its sole reasonable discretion to address actions designed to thwart the spirit that may not absolutely violate the ambit of its language. For example, a customer could create a ploy by soliciting “group sales” at a discounted price to advertise a price outside of the MAP policy. We would interpret this as a MAP policy violation and subject the customer to appropriate remedies.

8. NO NEGOTIATION. We adopt this MAP Policy unilaterally and neither seek nor accept any input, confirmation or assurance of compliance by its customers with this MAP policy. MAP will not discuss or negotiate any of the terms of this Policy. Nothing in this policy shall constitute an agreement between Detestable Games and any of its customers that the customer will comply with this MAP Policy. All matters of the interpretation and application of the terms of this Policy shall remain within the sole, unilateral authority of Detestable Games.

9. POLICY UPDATES & PRICE LIST. We reserve the right to amend, suspend, or modify, the terms of this MAP policy at any time in its sole discretion. The most recent version of this MAP policy is available at The most recent version of the MAPP Price List is available at